MFW znaczenie

  • my face when tłum. moja twarz, gdy

Podobne akronimy i skróty do MFW znaczenie

Akronim/skrót Wyjaśnienie skrótowca
aml all my love
f2f, ftf face to face
imao in my arrogant opinion
imco in my considered opinion
ime in my experience
imo in my opinion
impov in my point of view
pmbi pardon my butting in
omw on my way
mf medium frequency
f2f face to face
bump bring up my post
poms parent over my shoulder
hifw how i feel when
tfw that feeling when
mrw my reaction when
time tears in my eyes
fimh forever in my heart
omdb over my dead body
smh shaking my head
aymm are you my mother?