IMPOV znaczenie
- in my point of view tłum. z mojego punktu widzenia
Podobne akronimy i skróty do IMPOV znaczenie
Akronim/skrót | Wyjaśnienie skrótowca |
fbi | federal bureau of investigation |
fbi | federal bureau of investigation |
fomo | fear of missing out |
aamof | as a matter of fact |
aboc | a bone of contention |
aml | all my love |
bbiab | be back in a bit |
bbiaf | be back in a few |
bif | basis in facts |
bitb | back in the business |
boc | but of course |
cnp | continued in next post |
eod | end of discussion |
eom | end of message |
fitb | fill in the blanks |
foaf | friend of a friend |
hhis | hanging head in shame |
iac | in any case |
iae | in any event |
imao | in my arrogant opinion |
imco | in my considered opinion |
ime | in my experience |
imo | in my opinion |
iow | in other words |
irl | in real life |
itrw | in the real world |
iyd | in your dreams |
jic | just in case |
lol | laugh out loud |
nbif | no basis in facts |
nhoh | never heard of him/her |
noyb | none of your business |
ootq | out of the qestion |
pmbi | pardon my butting in |
pov | point of view |
sool | still out of luck |
tia | thanks in advance |
oom | out of mana |
omw | on my way |
inpo | in no particular order |
mf | medium frequency |
tor | terms of reference |
mvp | minimum viable product |
ooto | out of the office |
mit | massachusetts institute of technology |
womm | word of mouth marketing |
aypi | and your point is? |
ifbb | international federation of bodybuilding and fitness |
usa | united states of america |
opec | organization of petroleum exporting countries |
eta | estimated time of arrival |
bbias | be back in a sec |
bump | bring up my post |
poms | parent over my shoulder |
pitr | parent in the room |
mfw | my face when |
mrw | my reaction when |
adih | another day in hell |
time | tears in my eyes |
fimh | forever in my heart |
omdb | over my dead body |
smh | shaking my head |
aymm | are you my mother? |
Ostatnio dodane skrótowce i skróty
- tdd
- żw
- aymm
- ygtr
- srsly
- smh
- ftl
- ynk
- ftw
- omdb
- csl
- bwl
- bsaaw
- fimh
- ssdd
- bae
- time
- wywh
- idc
- zzz
- adih
- imu
- tntl
- ifyp
- mrw
- mfw
- tfw
- hifw
- paw
- pitr
- pbb
- poms
- kpc
- pah
- nsfw
- 10 największych miast świata
- gsc
- tmb
- wtpa
- dae
- prt
- ptb
- bump
- gratz
- ttyl
- ibrb
- nfs
- b@u
- bbbg
- bbias
- ruok
- cyt
- dbmib
- dm
- gfn
- plz
- wf
- ul.
- ue
- ub.
- tzw.
- tzn.
- tj.
- św.
- str.
- s.a.
- s.
- rp
- p.o.
- płn.
- płd.
- nr
- np.
- nip
- lic.
- lek.
- itp.
- itd.
- dr
- cv
- cdn.
- cd.
- al.
- mgr
- pl.
- wsch.
- zach.
- zob.
- brgds
- wkl
- eta
- oze
- zbowid
- mcs
- byob
- op
- obwe
- fso
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