
ADIH znaczenie

  • another day in hell tłum. kolejny dzień w piekle

Podobne akronimy i skróty do ADIH znaczenie

Akronim/skrót Wyjaśnienie skrótowca
adn any day now
aim another ibm mistake
ard a rain day
bbiab be back in a bit
bbiaf be back in a few
bif basis in facts
bitb back in the business
cnp continued in next post
fitb fill in the blanks
hand have a nice day
hhis hanging head in shame
iac in any case
iae in any event
imao in my arrogant opinion
imco in my considered opinion
ime in my experience
imo in my opinion
impov in my point of view
iow in other words
irl in real life
itrw in the real world
iyd in your dreams
jase just another system error
jic just in case
nbif no basis in facts
pmbi pardon my butting in
tia thanks in advance
ya yet another
inpo in no particular order
bbias be back in a sec
pitr parent in the room
time tears in my eyes
ssdd same stuff, different day
fimh forever in my heart
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