ROTFL znaczenie

  • rolling on the floor laughing tłum. tarzając się po podłodze ze śmiechu

Podobne akronimy i skróty do ROTFL znaczenie

Akronim/skrót Wyjaśnienie skrótowca
atb all the best
atm at the moment
ayptf are you playing the fool?
bitb back in the business
bot back on topic
btw by the way
dtrt do the right thing
fitb fill in the blanks
itrw in the real world
koc kiss on cheek
kol kiss on lips
lol laugh out loud
oatus on a totally unrelated subject
obtw oh, by the way
ootq out of the qestion
otoh on the other hand
rtd read the documentation
rtfaq read the faq
smo serious mode on
omw on my way
ooto out of the office
wtpa where the party at?
pitr parent in the room
csl can’t stop laughing
ftw for the win
ftl for the loss