
BITB znaczenie

  • back in the business tłum. z powrotem w interesie

Podobne akronimy i skróty do BITB znaczenie

Akronim/skrót Wyjaśnienie skrótowca
atb all the best
atm at the moment
ayptf are you playing the fool?
bak back at keyboard
bat back at terminal
bbiab be back in a bit
bbiaf be back in a few
bbl be back later
bbs be back soon
bif basis in facts
bot back on topic
brb be right back
btu back to you
btw by the way
cbl come back later
cnp continued in next post
dtrt do the right thing
fitb fill in the blanks
hb hug back
hhis hanging head in shame
iac in any case
iae in any event
imao in my arrogant opinion
imco in my considered opinion
ime in my experience
imo in my opinion
impov in my point of view
iow in other words
irl in real life
itrw in the real world
iyd in your dreams
jic just in case
kb kiss back
nbif no basis in facts
noyb none of your business
obtw oh, by the way
ootq out of the qestion
otoh on the other hand
pmbi pardon my butting in
rtd read the documentation
rtfaq read the faq
tcb trouble come back
tia thanks in advance
wbasap write back as soon as possible
wbs write back soon
inpo in no particular order
rotfl rolling on the floor laughing
ooto out of the office
bbias be back in a sec
b@u back at you
ibrb i’ll be right back
ptb please text back
wtpa where the party at?
tmb tweet me back
pbb parent behind back
pitr parent in the room
adih another day in hell
time tears in my eyes
fimh forever in my heart
ftw for the win
ftl for the loss
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