WOMM znaczenie

  • word of mouth marketing tłum. marketing szeptany

Podobne akronimy i skróty do WOMM znaczenie

Akronim/skrót Wyjaśnienie skrótowca
fbi federal bureau of investigation
fbi federal bureau of investigation
fomo fear of missing out
aamof as a matter of fact
aboc a bone of contention
boc but of course
eod end of discussion
eom end of message
foaf friend of a friend
impov in my point of view
lol laugh out loud
nhoh never heard of him/her
noyb none of your business
ootq out of the qestion
pov point of view
sool still out of luck
oom out of mana
tor terms of reference
ooto out of the office
mit massachusetts institute of technology
ifbb international federation of bodybuilding and fitness
usa united states of america
opec organization of petroleum exporting countries
eta estimated time of arrival