ISO znaczenie

  • international standards organization tłum. międzynarodowa organizacja normalizacyjna
  • international organization for standardization tłum. międzynarodowa organizacja normalizacyjna

Podobne akronimy i skróty do ISO znaczenie

Akronim/skrót Wyjaśnienie skrótowca
fyi for your information
4 for
4u for you
b4n bye for now
bb4n bye bye for now
bffl best friends for life
bfn bye for now
c4n, cfn ciao for now
fas for a second
faw for a while
fyeo for your eyes only
gfc going for coffee
gfd going for drink
imo in my opinion
j4g, jfg just for grins
rfc request for comment
rfi request for information
tafn that's all for now
vfm value for money
ttfn ta-ta for now
tir transport international routier
isbn international standard book number → międzynarodowy znormalizowany numer książki
wto world trade organization
smacss scalable and modular architecture for cascading style sheets
ifbb international federation of bodybuilding and fitness
fye for your entertainment
iata international air transport association
icao international civil aviation organization
isni international standard name identifier
ipa international phonetic alphabet
opec organization of petroleum exporting countries
obwe organizacja bezpieczeństwa i współpracy w europie
gfn gone for now
nfs not for sale
nsfw not safe for work
ftw for the win
ftl for the loss