LJBF znaczenie

  • let's just be friends tłum. bądźmy przyjaciółmi

Podobne akronimy i skróty do LJBF znaczenie

Akronim/skrót Wyjaśnienie skrótowca
bbiab be back in a bit
bbiaf be back in a few
bbl be back later
bbs be back soon
bcnu be seein' you
bffl best friends for life
bicbw but i could be wrong
bimbw but i may be wrong
bowy be off with you
brb be right back
dwbh don't worry be happy
icbw i could be wrong
iwbni it would be nice if
j4g, jfg just for grins
jam just a minute
jas just a second
jase just another system error
jic just in case
jk just kidding
nmtbs nothing more to be said
tbdl to be discussed later
tbh to be honest
wbmbf wanna be may boy friend?
wbmgf wanna be may girl friend?
ybs you'll be sorry
ymbj you must be joking
tbd to be decided
2b||!2b to be or not to be
cbb can't be bothered
bbias be back in a sec
bbbg bye bye be good
ibrb i’ll be right back