AYPI znaczenie
- and your point is? tłum. co chciałeś przez to powiedzieć?
Podobne akronimy i skróty do AYPI znaczenie
Akronim/skrót | Wyjaśnienie skrótowca |
wysiwyg | what you see is what you get |
fyi | for your information |
nasa | national aeronautics and space administration |
2u2 | to you too |
awyr | awaiting your reply |
ayor | at your own risk |
bgfete | big grin from ear to ear |
btu | back to you |
dyoh | do your own homework |
f2f, ftf | face to face |
f&f, ff | fire and forget |
fttt | from time to time |
fyeo | for your eyes only |
gtg | got to go |
gfsy | glad to see you |
h&k, hak | hug and kiss |
impov | in my point of view |
istm | i seems to me |
iyd | in your dreams |
nmtbs | nothing more to be said |
noyb | none of your business |
ntk | need to know |
oao | over and out |
oo | over and out |
otl | out to lunch |
pov | point of view |
s&n | smile and nod |
sete | smiling ear to ear |
tbdl | to be discussed later |
tbh | to be honest |
ttys | talk to you soon |
ttyt | talk to you tomorrow |
tyclo | turn your caps lock off! |
wrt | with regard to |
wttm | without thinking to much |
wty | waving to you |
sogi | ang. sexual orientation and gender identity |
smacss | scalable and modular architecture for cascading style sheets |
tbd | to be decided |
f2f | face to face |
2b||!2b | to be or not to be |
ifbb | international federation of bodybuilding and fitness |
fye | for your entertainment |
orcid | open researcher and contributor id |
byob | bring your own bottle |
eta | estimated time of arrival |
tj. | to jest |
tzn. | to znaczy |
ttyl | talk to you later |
ifyp | i feel your pain |
tntl | trying not to laugh |
bsaaw | big smile and a wink |
Ostatnio dodane skrótowce i skróty
- tdd
- żw
- aymm
- ygtr
- srsly
- smh
- ftl
- ynk
- ftw
- omdb
- csl
- bwl
- bsaaw
- fimh
- ssdd
- bae
- time
- wywh
- idc
- zzz
- adih
- imu
- tntl
- ifyp
- mrw
- mfw
- tfw
- hifw
- paw
- pitr
- pbb
- poms
- kpc
- pah
- nsfw
- 10 największych miast świata
- gsc
- tmb
- wtpa
- dae
- prt
- ptb
- bump
- gratz
- ttyl
- ibrb
- nfs
- b@u
- bbbg
- bbias
- ruok
- cyt
- dbmib
- dm
- gfn
- plz
- wf
- ul.
- ue
- ub.
- tzw.
- tzn.
- tj.
- św.
- str.
- s.a.
- s.
- rp
- p.o.
- płn.
- płd.
- nr
- np.
- nip
- lic.
- lek.
- itp.
- itd.
- dr
- cv
- cdn.
- cd.
- al.
- mgr
- pl.
- wsch.
- zach.
- zob.
- brgds
- wkl
- eta
- oze
- zbowid
- mcs
- byob
- op
- obwe
- fso
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